Our members
The DGHA is a network of leading organizations based in the Netherlands working on global health. Together, we pool a diverse range of expertise and knowledge.

Cordaid is an internationally operating value-based emergency relief and development organization, working in and on fragility. We stand with those who are hit hardest by poverty and conflict. We support them in their struggle to move beyond survival and to fully participate in equitable and resilient societies.

KIT Royal Tropical Institute is an independent centre of expertise, entrepreneurship and hospitality dedicated to sustainable development. Guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, we assist governments, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and private corporations around the world to build inclusive and sustainable societies. Our research, training and advisory services focus on global health, economic development, gender and intercultural communication.

Soa Aids Nederland is a Dutch non-profit organisation that strives for a world where there are no longer any deaths from AIDS and where people enjoy good sexual health. A world in which everyone can love freely and without fear. We do this by working together with the people who are hit hardest by HIV, STIs, discrimination and exclusion. We strengthen their voice and support them with information, knowledge and funding.

Wemos is an independent civil society organisation that advocates structural change to realise global health justice. Through analysis of Dutch, European and global policies that affect health, we identify issues and propose relevant changes. We hold the Dutch government, the EU and multilateral organisations accountable for their responsibility to respect, protect and fulfil the right to health.

Amref Health Africa is an international African organisation founded and headquartered in Kenya. Amref began in 1957 as to provide critical medical assistance to remote communities in East Africa. Today, Amref works with the most vulnerable African communities in Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi and Zambia, and its West African regional hubs based in Senegal. Through its laboratory, clinical outreach and training programmes, Amref reaches an additional 30 or more countries in Africa. With over half a century of experience in delivering healthcare and building health systems in Africa, Amref supports those at the heart of communities, particularly women a and children, to bring about lasting health change.

Stichting Vluchteling (Refugee Foundation) offers life-saving aid to refugees, displaced people and returnees in the world’s most critical and often forgotten crises. We support communities in finding structural solutions, so that people can improve their future on their own. Since its foundation in 1976, this Dutch based organization values impartiality, independence and strongly focuses on humanity.
The Access to Medicine Foundation is an independent non-profit organisation that seeks to transform the healthcare ecosystem by motivating and mobilising companies to expand access to their essential healthcare products in low- and middle-income countries.

PharmAccess is a non-profit organization that aims to make inclusive health markets work in sub-Saharan Africa. The PharmAccess integrated approach addresses both the demand and supply side of the health care system and uses the opportunities that mobile technology and data provide to leapfrog development in health markets in sub-Saharan Africa. With the aim to provide access to quality care for millions of people in Africa.

NLR (until No Leprosy Remains) is a global forerunner in the realisation of a leprosy-free world. We take pride in enabling research and driving evidence-based innovation. We continue until No Leprosy Remains.

Artsen Zonder Grenzen / Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is an international, independent medical humanitarian organisation. We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally and we work in more than 70 countries around the world. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of impartiality, independence and neutrality.

Global Surgery Amsterdam (GSA) is a non-profit organization that works to develop sustainable solutions in global surgery. We focus on education, training, research and technology to help close the global gap in access to safe and effective surgical care. Furthermore we aim for a collaborative model with experts from different fields and different settings to achieve global health equity.

VSO is an international development organisation with over 60 years of experience - works to achieve a fair world for everyone, full of equal opportunities and rights. We share knowledge and experience, rather than goods and food, aiming for long-term impact. We work closely with local and international companies, with schools and healthcare institutions and with local and national governments.

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations - The Netherlands (IFMSA-NL) is a non-profit students’ association. Internationalization brings Global Health closer to home. Borders mean less and less, health care is met with new challenges. From 1980 onwards, IFMSA-NL has been the defining international platform for medical and other students in the Netherlands for creating initiatives focussing on awareness of and improvements in Global Health in our society, as well as personal development for future professionals in and around health care. By means of our projects and activities, we strive to work towards a better world every day and enable our volunteers and others to use, share and improve upon their knowledge and skill

The NVTG is an association for global health professionals. With over 800 members, we actively contribute to improving health in low- and middle-income countries. We are committed to high-quality scientific research and education in the field of global health and tropical medicine. Anyone with a professional interest in global health and tropical medicine can become a member of the NVTG.

KNCV has been fighting TB since its establishment in 1903 as a collaborative effort by several private local TB control initiatives in the Netherlands. Over the past 120 years, the organization has acquired indispensable knowledge and experience in the field of effective TB prevention and care, resulting in pre-elimination in the Netherlands and significant contributions to global evidence generation, policy development and TB program implementation worldwide.

Health Action International (HAI) is a non-profit organisation that conducts research and advocacy to advance policies that enable access to medicines and rational medicine use for all people around the world. We pursue advocacy from the patient level up to the highest levels of government through our ‘official relations’ status with the World Health Organization and respected relationship with the European Medicines Agency. To safeguard our objectivity and integrity, we are resolutely independent of the pharmaceutical industry and protect ourselves from all other conflicts of interest.

Dokters van de Wereld is an independent international volunteer movement that works in the Netherlands and abroad. Through innovative medical programs and evidence-based advocacy, we empower excluded people and communities to claim their right to health and fight for universal access to healthcare. We want a world where health barriers have been overcome. A world where health is recognized as a fundamental right.

Vrij zijn om te genieten van seksualiteit en relaties draagt bij tot ieders geluk, dat is waar Rutgers voor staat. Rutgers is het toonaangevende Nederlandse expertisecentrum voor seksualiteit. We werken zowel nationaal als internationaal. Samen met onze partners werken we aan verbetering van seksuele rechten, toegang tot voorlichting en informatie over seksualiteit, toegang tot anticonceptie en veilige abortussen en preventie van seksueel geweld.