The Dutch Global Health Alliance calls for political and financial support for the Global Health Strategy
Tomorrow is an important day for Dutch global health interests. On the 4th of April, parliamentarians will debate the Dutch…
Since it’s inception, the DGHA has been advocating for the Netherlands to adopt a global health strategy. In October 2022, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign affairs released the first draft Dutch Global Health Strategy 2023-2030: “Working together for health worldwide”. The DGHA welcomes this step towards strengthening the Dutch commitments and contributions to global health. This first draft is just the first step taken by the Netherlands to strengthen the country’s approach to global health. Read the summary here.
As the DGHA, we see the following elements as positive take-aways:
While the strategy presents strong components, the DGHA shares the following recommendations:
The DGHA will continue to monitor the development of the Dutch Global Health Strategy.
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