Who we are
The DGHA is an advocacy network of leading Netherlands-based organizations working in the field of global health.

The DGHA was founded in 2020 by six Dutch knowledge and civil society organizations, Cordaid , Wemos , KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, Aidsfonds , Amref and KIT . The DGHA was born out of a need to take a global approach to health in the Netherlands. The COVID-19 pandemic was showing us once more that viruses don’t know borders. And that a global health approach, that centers health systems strengthening, equity and communities is much needed to improve Dutch policymaking.
'Advancing global health for all'
The growing alliance brings together knowledge and civil society organizations rooted in various local contexts and with a diverse expertise to coordinate and amplify its advocacy efforts. Our joint efforts are geared towards advancing global health policies and commitments in the Netherlands. With a mission to translate its collective knowledge and experience from the ground into impactful advocacy messages, the DGHA strives to effectively inform the Dutch government and policymakers. As an independent network, the DGHA is committed to making a positive impact on global health through effective advocacy and thought-leadership.
The DGHA is currently chaired by the Dutch development aid organization, Cordaid.
What we do
We are dedicated to advancing global health policies and commitments at home. Our mission is to monitor and analyze Dutch commitments and policymaking on global health, and to advocate for meaningful change.
Our advocacy efforts focus on four key areas:
1. Ensuring health policies are first and foremost about the people
Health is a human right. We advocate for policies that are community-centered and leave no one behind. We encourage the government to strive for equitable representation and meaningful participation of partners in the Global South.
2. Encouraging the Dutch government to adopt a “Health in All Policies” approach
We believe that global health is an interdisciplinary field that requires interdisciplinary solutions. We advocate for the Dutch government to adopt a “Health in All Policies” approach, which recognizes the impact that non-health sectors have on health outcomes.
3. Promote interministerial commitment for health
We advocate for greater interministerial commitment and coordination on global health from relevant ministries. We believe that only through a collaborative approach can we effectively address the complex challenges of global health.
4. Increase and diversify funding streams for global health
We are committed to increasing funding for global health related topics and issues, with a strong focus on health system strengthening. We believe that funding for global health should go beyond Official Development Assistance (ODA) and should include political and financial commitments from various ministries.